Wednesday, January 23, 2008

*big sigh*

This weekend Dan and I went to town and got a truck. I'm so excited!! It's a nissan frontier with a canopy, a 4-door! And the dogs fit in it, and everything else fits in it! And I'm just soooooo excited!!! It's been so much fun! Especially since the subaru was starting quickly to go downhill.

That's been my most recent excitement. We already found a dirt road and went driving. It was awesome.

School is going. Going going going. I'm so tired of college. I just need it to be done. Even though I have really amazing teachers and good classes, I just can't handle it anymore though.

Alright, off to do homework.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's funny how one thing can ruin your day. I lost my federal work study because I wasn't employed by the school first term. Only, I was, but I got credit for it first term so I didn't get paid. So it's frustrating, and it's not that a huge deal or anything, but it's just, grrr.

So I'm watching Elizabethtown. I'm hoping it'll make me feel better.