Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I don't feel angry a lot. I get irritated, perturbed, but very rarely downright outraged (well, unless we're talking about something huge like, world poverty or something). But today, I was really flippin' mad.

It's always those iffy situations that are the worst, where it's not against the rules, but not necessarily the best idea, but you go with it anyways. It's not that it's wrong, morally or otherwise.

I took Sokehs in to moms work so we could show the people in the office. So we took her upstairs, then I took her outside so that she could go the bathroom and when I went to go back in I was told by an older white male (I specify because I feel that it actually makes a difference) that I couldn't take her inside. I said I'd just had her inside and he said, "Not with all that food in there." So I walked away. I wanted to turn around and scream, and ya know what, I kinda think I should've. He thought I was going to take her into the kitchen, where all the packers eat on their lunch. This is where I get angry. If he knew I was T's daughter, he wouldn't have said a word, or if I was a relative of someone in the office, he wouldn't have said anything. But being a packer, means he automatically is above them and is allowed to be a complete prick to them and their children. This is what I can't handle.

No one likes to be told what to do, and I am the first to admit that. But if you're going to tell me what to do, you better damn well treat me with some respect, because otherwise I'm not going to do what you say. And we didn't, mom carried the dog right back into her office. (As she should've considering all the people in the office bring their dogs to work from time to time)

Anyways, I just hate it that old white men think they have the right to tell me what to do. As if somehow they have my respect for being who they are. However, pretty much all of my experiences with older white men has led me to first assume they're a complete ass, (for instance being asked out by an older white male paraglider, when I was 16 and he was 40, or overhearing a group of older white men (much older) say that young girls definitely want older men for such and such reasons). Anyways, I just can't handle it much longer. And if someone demands my respect and obedience with absolutely no reason he is not going to get it. It's not that I automatically think the worst of people, it's that I only listen to the people who have earned a spot in my life (which should be the case, because no one should listen to just anyone).


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