Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Things that makes me smile when I am so thoroughly and utterly stressed out that I feel like I could die. But there are these things:

English Professors who are exactly what you picture when someone says "English Professor." They say things like, "On next day we'll read Coleridge."
Getting a dog!
Staying up too late looking at Blue Merles
Listening to friends' music
Down jackets
Spanish professors that have to be close to 90
Remembering Dad's dogs as puppies when they were the most uncoordinated dogs I've ever seen and would go to jump up the stairs but wouldn't lift their feet enough and just slam straight into the stairs
Seeing a cat fall into water trying to downclimb a tree
Faces people make when they're trying to remember a Spanish word
Tongue-twisting every Spanish word known to man
About a boy
Rock climbing, really smooth graceful movements
Warm hats
Ignoring all the cares and political correctness of the world for just a time so you can breathe, smile, laugh, and remember yourself
My mom, J, B, C, & S.
My brother
The feel of my guitar
Perfect brownies
Star Wars, and discussions on Star Wars, and daydreams of Star Wars, (and my Star Wars dictionary I just dug out)
Being a nerd
People who look different
A crash pad
Good grades on tests
The Wednesday song by The Conchords
Really good _ _ _
Blue christmas lights

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