Friday, November 9, 2007

What you do with your money

Pretty much since we can look back at history, it seems to be consistent that people with money don't give as much as people without. People who have nothing are more willing to share what they have.

I heard recently that Brittney Spears makes 750,000 per month, pays 45,000 for her mortgage, 100,000 on parties & alcohol, all per month. And gives 500 a year for donations. Now, I have no idea if it's true. My point is not to pick on Spears it's just an extreme example of a rich person.

Our materialism in America is completely out of hand. My materialism is completely out of hand. If Paul could write a letter to us, I'm sure there would be a long list of things to berate us about, but materialism may be on the top. Mostly because it affects everything else. It affects our relationships and our personalities.

Living in Pohnpei really taught me how much I don't need and how much I can live without. However it didn't take long for me to get back into the old desire for nothing. I just don't want to become the person who has replaced my personality with materialism.

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