Friday, August 29, 2008

B-Day @ Wyotech

When I was down in California we gave Bryce his birthday present. Britny, Mom, Dan and I got him a longboard. Dad was just amazed that Bryce was so good on it and then when I jumped on too and we rode around he got pretty excited. It doesn't seem to matter how old I get I still like to impress my parents.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Entertainment for the day

Dan said that when he was a little kid they would give their dog the empty container of ice cream. So he gave it to Endo.

She was a pretty happy little pup, even when she couldn't get her head out of the bucket she didn't seem too upset.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Antrim Family Reunion

I had a great time road tripping down to Clear Lake with my dad. Lots of great conversation and catching up. It was the first year I spent time getting to know my Great Aunt Peggy's side of the family. Normally Aunt Peggy's family kind of stays on their side of the hotel we rent, and Grams' side stays on their side of the hotel. Not that they don't mix, but the younger ones (40 and under) stay each to their own. I think with Grams dying last year we almost didn't have a choice. This was Grams' favorite time of year and so I think we all just went, "This is ridiculous, we're all family."

I miss Grams. I thought that after a year it would be easy. It was hard to see Aunt Peggy sitting by herself. It was hard to take pictures and only bring out one chair for the remaining matriarch. Normally, after awhile I don't have anyone to talk to, so I'd just go sit by Grams. Sometimes we'd talk, sometimes we wouldn't.

I guess that's why I don't how to "correctly" mourn. It all seems fake, it all seems either ridiculous or not something Grams would want.

Papa & Grams

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Releasing Neg. Energy

On the bus yesterday I was interrupted of my usual daydreams/sleep by a slightly strange guy asking me where we were. "HP" I answered. "Oh, ok. And where are you going?" "OSU" "Oh yah, ok." He continued the conversation, not all of my answers were that short (although asking me where I was going, and then later where I worked and what classes I was taking were definitely "vague." You'd have to be pretty slow to not realize I was purposefully not telling my schedule as to avoid being stalked by crazies).

Anyways, the man proceeded to make me hold a crystal (read: pretty blue rock) and told me how it aligns your chakra's and absorbs negative energy. He pulled several more from his bag and showed me, describing what each one does for your chakra's.

I'm not sure how I feel about Chakra's, but having someone talk about releasing negative energy is refreshing.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A night of climbing

Unfortunately I forgot my camera last night when I went on a little adventure with my brother Rhane and Dan. Rhane has been leading a climbing camp all summer so he is amazing and Dan and I haven't done a single thing (partly to save money, partly because I am lazy). Anyways, we drove down to The Crux and climbed. It's not incredibly expensive, but gas plus climbing adds up, however, for a good gym it's totally worth it (OSU gym is packed, hot, and I always manage to run into one snobby climber, however the last is true of almost everywhere). I'm not sure the price was worth it for me considering I haven't climbed since January (on account of being lazy, being poor, and a broken toe a few months back). I climbed very little and my back wants to cave in on itself and every so often I move my arm and it wants to fall off. Plus I managed to knee a small hold rather hard which has given me a bit of a limp. After the gym closed at 10pm, they decided they wanted to try LD at the Columns. So they climbed in the dark with their headlamps until 11:20 and then we drove home.

Unfortunately I missed some amazing night climbing pictures because I forgot to bring my camera. Such is life. Either way, tonight I'm going to get some sleep, clean my house, and play with my dogs. It should be a good night.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The World

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Dating Site

Oneonta Gorge

Oneonta Gorge
Originally uploaded by tarnnation
Some pictures from my lovely day with Sego, Marie, and Mum.

Originally uploaded by tarnnation

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My most recent obsession: Pottery. The trimming and the glazing are great, but I am in love with the wheel. I have an hour and a half to do pottery after I get off work and it's a great way to end the day at OSU (considering the majority of my day is spent in an office being completely useless).

Monday, August 4, 2008

2 days at home

The weekend at home was wonderful. Good friends, good food, and things to do. It's so much easier to be motivated to do things in a beautiful place. Sego and I did a portion of the Old Columbia Gorge Hwy, walked out on the spit and watched the kiteboarders & windsurfers, and then went and did my favorite hike in the world, Oneonta Gorge with the Lower Oneonta Falls.

I miss having so much beauty, color, and amazing people around. I got to hang out with Jilly, Sego, my mom, and meet new people (new people named Amos who is an amazing photographer). Hopefully Jilly and I will be headed for the beach, or Clear Lake, or anything fun in the next few weeks. And the next time Sego comes down we're either doing Eagle Creek, or taking windsurfing lessons so I'm not such a lame-o who was born & raised in Hood River and has never windsurfed. :D